Move to Unassigned Action

This action sets this chat status to Unassigned. Useful if you have Smart Assignment active and want to manage all the chat requests through the Unassigned queue.

When you have the Smart Assignment option active all the chat requests in the Unassigned status (aka put in the Unassigned queue) will be delivered to Agents in a FIFO way based on the chat request's creation time.

If a user is in a flow with a chatbot you have many ways to assign it to the respective agent when this moment comes. One way is through the Agent Handoff Action. This Action will find an available agent based on the Agent's availability status. This means that the Agent Handoff will do his best to assign the request to an agent that is both in the available status and with a number of assigned chats (aka chat requests) under the Maximum chats option of the Smart Assignment section:

But when Smart Assigment is active is generally preferrable to don't try the approach to directly assign a chat to an agent. It's better to directly put the incoming chat in the Unassigned queue and let the the Smart Assignment module (if active) to dequeue the chats and assign them to the available agents based on the arrival (creation) time.